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  • Jason Sterling's Avatar
    Today, 03:12 PM
    Four months in business, credit card card sales based MCA only.
    7 replies | 191 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 02:35 PM
    Fundkite does this, as do all MCAs that are credit card splits. The broker gets paid, the funder has to realize that the deal might go sideways for a bit, but there is no true default if the revenue drops. The only challenge would be the client who commits fraud and opens a second bank account and deposits certain deposits into that account and slowly depletes the other one without the funder noticing. You can probably catch that, since it's not so easy just to change bank accounts. You case is not a "default out of the gate", it's a drop in revenue. We pray underwrite assuming the past performance is indicative of future results. There's no "seasoned" merchant who can really do this. They'd have to lie to get away with it, and then prove it. How would they make it a "regular strategy" without actually losing their own revenue? That seems counterproductive to reduce their income. How could they control that?
    1 replies | 82 view(s) | |
  • JustInCase's Avatar
    Today, 02:08 PM
    Was thinking if a merchant is dead set on activating mandatory reconciliation clause immediately after funding how will that work? Because technically they can if deposits drop day right after according to the i's and t's of law if fully explored. Defaults do not truly exist as MCA is not a loan and risk leans on funders not merchants according to new case law. With that; #1 - If a seasoned merchant does this from the gate, how would that affect commission "PAID OUT" if at all? As old rules it is considered a "default" or "lowered-payment". Future commissions could be % like reverses I assume. #2 - If this catches on and merchants employ this as a regular strategy for savings it would basically produce denials for future funding limiting stacking which is a cure as per old system. #3 - And if no such thing as a default how will funders classify or recognize reconciliation for what it is vs default or lowered-payment? Some questions I have...
    1 replies | 82 view(s)
  • Yonah E's Avatar
    Today, 01:51 PM
    Mitch Petracca?
    4 replies | 132 view(s) | |
  • Ehenek's Avatar
    Today, 01:50 PM
    Yes. I would love to learn more.
    4 replies | 132 view(s) | |
  • Kevin Henry-Seacoast's Avatar
    Today, 01:50 PM
    A host of questions: -Is this an asset purchase of the business or a stock purchase of the business? -Are they seeking a cash flow loan or asset based loan using the business assets as collateral? -What Industry? -What equity contribution is the buyer contributing? -Is the seller staying with the business? Are they using a seller's note? -What is the purchase price?
    4 replies | 132 view(s) | |
  • GrowthHacker's Avatar
    Today, 01:33 PM
    Breaking News For All of Our Chat Bot Enthusiasts! Our chat bots have been running off of Chat GPT Turbo (which came out last November), many of you may know that that 9 days ago OpenAI released their latest version Chat GPT, which is Chat-GPT4o (basically like the news of a major theatrical sequel release to us nerds.) Great news! Our developers, just got our chatbot tech working with 4o this morning! If you're interested in learning the differences see this post: The Difference Between Chat GPT-3.5, Turbo, and the newest release Chat-GPT-4o
    9 replies | 545 view(s) | |
  • GrowthHacker's Avatar
    Today, 01:25 PM
    Last week OpenAI released their latest version Chat GPT, which is Chat-GPT4o. When Chat GPT was first released 18 months ago it was version 3.5, then 4, then 4-Turbo... (and lots of minor iterations in-between those massive improvements) There are some major differences between these, here's the breakdown: Speed: How fast the GPT can answer your questions. Chat GPT-4o is the fastest, followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5. Price: How much it costs to use GPT. Chat GPT-4o is the cheapest, followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5. Input Length: How many words or characters you can use when asking a question. Chat GPT-4 Turbo and Chat GPT-4o can handle really long questions (128K tokens), while Chat GPT-3.5 can only handle shorter ones (2048 tokens). Knowledge Cutoff: How up-to-date the GPT's knowledge is. All three have knowledge up to April 2023, but Chat GPT-4 Turbo and Chat GPT-4o have more recent information up to October of '23. Multimodal Capabilities: What types of media the GPT can understand and respond to. Chat GPT-4o can handle text, images, audio, and video, while Chat GPT-4 Turbo can only handle text and images. Chat GPT-3.5 can only handle text. Reasoning and Coding Intelligence: How well GPT can think and solve problems. Chat GPT-4o is the best, followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5. Multilingual Support: How well GPT can understand and respond to different languages. Chat GPT-4o is the best, followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5. Vision and Audio Understanding: How well the it can understand and interpret images and audio. Chat GPT-4o is the best, followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5. Response Time: How fast the robot responds to your questions. Chat GPT-4o is the fastest (average response time of 320 milliseconds, which is comparable to a human, which will be great for voice), followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5. Context Window: How much context it can understand when answering questions. Chat GPT-4o has the longest context window, followed by Chat GPT-4 Turbo, and then Chat GPT-3.5.
    0 replies | 11 view(s)
  • FundingCaptain's Avatar
    Today, 01:07 PM
    left you a voicemail
    6 replies | 408 view(s) | |
  • MCA-VET's Avatar
    Today, 12:08 PM
    Capybara Capital .... Email me for info ....currently one of the fastest growing funders --Focusing on the A-Minus-To-C+Paper..with ability to compete on length and $-Amounts! and lower factor/Buy-Rate to win ---Dolphins & Whales is what we are known for by the largest brokerage shops who sub to Capybara daily!
    2 replies | 103 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 12:04 PM
    If it was a restaurant, I just got an offer for a $250k 1.45 over 24 months line of credit and was competing with a $100k 1.35 over 16 months MCA. Happy to make the introductions, please send me an email
    6 replies | 408 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 11:45 AM
    Reach out..I can do 90% LTV loan.
    4 replies | 132 view(s) | |
  • bizfinanceUSA's Avatar
    Today, 11:43 AM
    Can anyone point me to an investor or lender that may do these type of high end loans..
    4 replies | 132 view(s)
  • Clark Sica's Avatar
    Today, 11:00 AM
    Lending Valley can take a look at it. We'd require 100k minimum gross along with 4 trucks and 4 drivers to issue an approval. Let's touch base and discuss this in more detail before you submit
    6 replies | 408 view(s) | |
  • bsilva434's Avatar
    Today, 10:56 AM
    Unfortunately, most of the top tier lenders in the industry are putting out offers on the higher end of their rate threshold due to the current economic climate. Rates are high across the board and those higher rates are passed down to lenders from their credit facilities. I see a lot of A paper lenders come back with sell rates close to 1.50 for their 18 month product. Anyone who has been in this industry for any amount of time knows that if a business is in a cash flow pinch that it will be much more beneficial for them to pay a higher rate (closer to 1.50) for an 18 month program as opposed to anything in the 1.30 - 1.40 range that would most certainly cap out at 12 months. The lower payment is what will ultimately help this client the most. It does seem like you have had a few declines for this merchant at other shops. I would like to say that we may be able to come in at a lower rate for an 18 month cost, but I would certainly need more information. Also, how many points are built into that 1.54 offer?
    11 replies | 1913 view(s) | |
  • fundinggrasshopper's Avatar
    Today, 10:55 AM
    agreed if their credit supports a personal it is definitely the better route.
    7 replies | 191 view(s) | |
  • fundinggrasshopper's Avatar
    Today, 10:54 AM
    East Shore, Cooper Asset, Greenbox Capital,
    7 replies | 191 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 10:53 AM
    UCC = Zero
    1 replies | 182 view(s) | |
  • SendDocsPlox's Avatar
    Today, 10:18 AM
    Having a debate with someone Without any context: What percentage of your leads are UCCs? If you don't want to answer that question: Are UCCs part of your lead lists on a regular basis? Burners welcome, given the circumstances
    1 replies | 182 view(s)
  • FundingCaptain's Avatar
    Today, 10:17 AM
    I can help. even with 5 months in business, I can get him on my platform and give him our add-on renewals that work like a line of credit to help them not have to stack and put the business in further or email me
    7 replies | 191 view(s) | |
  • MNY Capital's Avatar
    Today, 10:10 AM
    We fund trucking - 2nd+ Email me -
    6 replies | 408 view(s) | |
  • zalman's Avatar
    Today, 10:06 AM
    zalman replied to a thread MCA track in Merchant Cash Advance
    In some cases the merchants bank may decide which payments to clear first or even return payments before the add the credits from that day. Meaning there are situations that you will see an account that has available balance and returns. This is an old article from 2013 but it will give you an idea of how banks clears certain transactions first to collect more NSF fees.
    6 replies | 481 view(s) | |
  • Cash Advance Kid's Avatar
    Today, 09:56 AM
    LCF funds behind ram, their reasoning is the debt schedule the merchant entered into with the debt settlement company wouldn't include LCF.
    12 replies | 1201 view(s) | |
  • Robinhood21's Avatar
    Today, 09:55 AM
    its r01 funded this merchant myself 10+ times dont know why it happened
    6 replies | 481 view(s) | |
  • MNY Capital's Avatar
    Today, 09:54 AM
    PMd you!
    2 replies | 103 view(s) | |
  • mca2150's Avatar
    Today, 09:36 AM
    mca2150 replied to a thread MCA track in Merchant Cash Advance
    All depends on the code. Which code is it? If it's R29 then the whitelist advice is correct.
    6 replies | 481 view(s) | |
  • NEWCDAM's Avatar
    Today, 09:07 AM
    Please Drop Info Below or PM
    2 replies | 103 view(s)
  • GrowthHacker's Avatar
    Today, 08:32 AM
    This is a great clickbait title! But in order for your headline to be a success you've got to PROVE your headlines statement in your post so you don't get crushed like you did in here. You should have said something like this: Headline: Great Lead Companies Do Not Have to Promote Here's why we don't have to, and how you can benefit… At FlareStream, we don't rely on flashy promotions because our results speak for themselves. Our clients come to us because they’ve heard about our success in delivering MAGNETIC leads. Our secret? We use, blah, blah-blah blah, and blah blah. This approach allows us to focus on providing you with a great service, instead of using flashy self-promotion. Try it out for yourself, we have....
    14 replies | 1152 view(s) | |
  • GrowthHacker's Avatar
    Today, 06:25 AM
    This bots getting better- everyday I make adjustments to this bot based upon customer input. We didn't have a min funding amount, so we now made that 3k- This thing keeps impressing me, and I play with these all day- Here's a test I ran just ran, (this is my inside of ChatGPT, so looks different from your tests above, but it's still the exact same bot) check out how the bot interpreted my passive aggressive answer to the qualifier 'Do you have a biz bank acct?' 50% off Beta pricing ends soon, right now this is only $997- this is the best price on the market. Some of the lowest priced bots out there are selling these at a min of 1,500 (and that's WITHOUT true conversational AI)- the good ones, like this one you've been playing with are being sold for 2 to 30k! Get onboard now, cause when voice (real voice, yes, better than, we'll be the killer) drops :cool: on June 10th you won't see pricing like this anymore. I'd love to partner with more of you guys- let's lead the industry together. Have a great day Ed
    9 replies | 545 view(s) | |
  • LJH365's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:24 PM
    what does he need money for? new trucks? We work with truckers all day. Call me or email 631-210-6327
    4 replies | 283 view(s) | |
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